Year End Reflections – Wrapping Up 2023 And Welcoming 2024

As we bid adieu to 2023, I want to start this newsletter by extending my heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you. This past year has been an incredible journey, and I am so thankful for the connections we have forged.

I would like to take a moment to honour each and every member of our remarkable customer service community. Your unwavering commitment to serving others, especially in the face of challenges such as rising customer expectations, rapid technological advancements, and financial pressures, deserves the utmost recognition. It is essential that we pause and reflect on the incredible dedication you bring to your roles as team members and leaders.

Furthermore, I extend a special acknowledgment to those within our customer service community who work tirelessly in sectors such as retail, healthcare, hotels, aviation, emergency services, 24/7 contact centers, and other essential services. While many enjoy a well-deserved break, they continue to make a tangible difference in the lives of countless customers. 

As the year draws to a close, I relish the opportunity for self-reflection and setting the course for the year ahead. I invite you to join me on this reflective journey by considering some questions:

Reflection Questions 

  • For what or for whom do you feel the most gratitude this year?

  • What has been your most cherished moment or customer experience from 2023?

  • How do you envision showing up and serving in 2024? 

  • What three priorities will empower you to deliver exceptional customer experiences?

  • What daily and weekly actions will you take to prioritise self-care in 2024?

And speaking of self-care, what better time than the holidays to indulge in some enriching reading? Here are some of my personal recommendations:

"Man’s Search For Meaning" by Viktor E. Frankl

  • "Unreasonable Hospitality" by Will Guidara

  • "Excellence Wins" by Horst Schulze

  • "The Time To Win" by Jay Baer

  • "Love Stories" by Trent Dalton (my personal non-work favourite book of the year!)

If you are interested in receiving complimentary e-versions of my books "They Serve Like We Lead – How To Take Care Of Your People So They Take Care of Your Customers" or "Managing Difficult Customer Behavior" (or both), please send me an email, and I will get those to you ASAP.

Among the many highlights of this year, one of the greatest has been working with both existing and new clients and hosting our inaugural event, "Are You Being Served – Giving Back To The People Who Give," in December.

Here's a glimpse of the event:

I would like to take a moment to express my heartfelt appreciation to our remarkable team, Deb and Irina, and our invaluable suppliers, who play an integral role in delivering exceptional client experiences.

Please note that our office will be closed until January 24th. We are eagerly looking forward to reconnecting with you in the New Year and I am so excited for the upcoming training and conferences booked in 2024.

Wishing you a joyful holiday season filled with love, blessings, and happiness for the year ahead and beyond. And always remember the profound impact you have had on the lives of others, including mine, throughout this year.


Finding Joy in Service


Why Great Leaders Aren’t Afraid To Get Their Hands Dirty