The importance of purpose in our daily work

This week, I've been reflecting on the importance of purpose in our daily work.

The best service leaders possess an extraordinary ability to unite their teams with the overarching vision and purpose of their organisation. They ensure that each team member comprehends the vital role they play and how it contributes to the bigger picture. This alignment is the bedrock for cultivating a service culture, as every individual needs to understand why their contributions matter. This applies to every role, from leadership, to the frontline, to support roles. Having a sense of purpose can lead to:

Focus and Direction

Purpose gives you a clear focus and direction in your interactions. It helps you understand the "why" behind what you do.

Satisfaction and Pride

There is a sense of satisfaction and pride in knowing that your work serves a larger purpose. It's not just a job; it's a mission to help your others and make a positive impact on their lives.


When challenges arise, purpose provides a source of resilience. It reminds you why you started and encourages you to overcome obstacles with determination.


Many individuals find purpose in the idea of leaving a positive legacy. By consistently serving with a clear purpose, you contribute to your professional legacy, leaving a positive mark on the people you've worked with.

To give life meaning, one must have a purpose larger than self.
— Will Durant

I recall a conversation with an exceptional people leader in a cleaning chemical business. In a hospital lift, he had chatted with a cleaner about their work. The cleaner said, “I’m not important. I am just a PSA (Patient Services Attendant).” The leader replied, “You have one of the most important roles in this hospital. Your work saves lives.” In that moment, he helped the team member see the purpose of their work and their critical role in infection control. He made them feel important.

One of my personal service leader heroes is the late, great Tony Hsieh, founder and CEO of online shoe retailer Zappos. The company is famous for its employee and customer experience. Its mission is 'Delivering happiness'. Zappos has ten core values that help achieve its purpose, one of which is ‘Deliver WOW through service’. The leaders live and breathe the organisation’s purpose. It is the focus of recruitment, onboarding and induction and is part of the company’s DNA. Zappos was sold to Amazon in 2009 in a deal worth around US$1.2 billion, proving that you can build a business with purpose, take care of your people and customers and still be highly profitable and successful.

Finding your own personal purpose can be a beacon during challenging times. I was recently asked by a grieving participant at the end of a training workshop how to navigate grief, and while I don't consider myself a grief expert, because of my experiences feel I am an expert in grief. On those difficult days when getting out of bed felt like an insurmountable task, I reminded myself, "My kids need their Weetbix." This simple mantra carried me through countless moments of adversity.

From a professional perspective, my purpose drives me every day, propelling me to support those in our customer service community. It fuels my desire to help people to recognise their value, add skills to their existing toolkit, guide them in how to have challenging conversations, and protect them from unacceptable customer behaviour. Equally important is my mission of empowering leaders to care for their teams so that they can, in turn, care for the customer.

In the world of customer service and leadership, purpose can be the fuel that propels us forward, the inspiration that keeps us going, and the reminder of how our work makes a meaningful impact on those we serve.

As you proceed through your week, take a moment to reflect and remind yourself why what you do, truly matters.


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